Adding a Cron job using the ed editor

This post was originally published here

These commands (after the first one) work in the ed editor. ed editor is used in the RStudio server shell.

In this example the script will run every 0 hours, 30 minutes, see Ubuntu: How do I set up a CRON job for other options.

Adding space between rows in LaTex tables

This post was originally published here

By default, LaTex tables are very tight:

Adding this to the document preamble will add space between the rows:

And this command can be used to add space between rows manually:

My minimal LaTex preamble

This post was originally published here

My minimal example:

How to “increase” array resolution in R (replicate each element both column-wise and row-wise)

This post was originally published here

One picture says more than a thousand words. You have what is one the left, and you want what is on the right.


There are a few different ways to do this, but by far the cleanest and quickest way is to just select the rows and columns multiple times, by replicating row and column numbers (instead of actually replicating each element):

Note that by default, in rep(something, n) the n is times so equivalent to rep(something, times=n), but in this case we need to use each instead of times.

Converting R Markdown to Latex

This post was originally published here

Install Pandoc:

Open the Terminal, Command Prompt (search for cmd) or Windows Powershell, go to the folder and do:

pandoc -s -o report.tex

And that’s it!

(Read this, if you want vector images.)

Reordering factor levels in R and what could go wrong

This post was originally published here

I’ve recently started using ggplot2 in addition to lattice (see this post that I made a while ago, explaining how I got into using lattice in the first place). Hint: when using ggplot2, you’ll need to use of the reshape2 package (also written by the amazing Hadley Wickham) to get your data into a form that ggplot2 works best with. Another thing that you’ll want to think about when using ggplo2 is factor levels. This post will show how to (and also how not to) rearrange factor levels in R.

Let’s create a quick barplot with strings as x labels.


As df$a is an array of strings, R sets the factor levels alphabetically: my 1, my 10, my 11, my 2…which is not what we want, so let’s rearrange factor levels:


And finally, the wrong way to rearrange factor levels would be by using the levels() function:


So be careful – if your data is not as obvious as this example and you are a bit new to factors and levels, you might end up plotting wrong results (like on the last example, “my 2” and “my 3” were plotted with the values 10 and 11).