Your first Shiny app

This post was originally published here

What is Shiny?

Shiny is an R package (install.packages("shiny")) for making your outputs interactive. Furthermore, Shiny creates web apps meaning your work can be shared online with people who don’t use R. In other words: with Shiny, R people can make websites without ever learning Javascript etc.

I am completely obsessed with Shiny and these days I end up presenting most of my work in a Shiny app.

If it’s not worth putting in a Shiny app it’s not worth doing.

Your first Shiny app

Getting started with Shiny is actually a lot easier than a lot of people make it out to be. So I created a very short (9 slides) presentation outlining my 5-step programme for your first Shiny app.

This is the app:

This is the presentation:

And here are the steps (also included in the presentation):

STEP 0: install.packages("shiny"). Use RStudio.

STEP 1: Create a script called app.R using this skeleton:

STEP 2: Copy your plot code into the renderPlot function.

STEP 3: Add a sliderInput to your User Interface (ui). A slider is just one of the many Shiny widgets you could be using:

STEP 4: Tell your Server you wish the dplyr::filter() to use the value from the slider. All inputs from the User Interface (ui) are stored in input$variable_name: replace the 2007 with input$year.

STEP 5 (optional): Add animate = TRUE.

Press Control+Shift+Enter or the “Run App” button. You now have a Shiny app running on your computer. To deploy it to the internet, e.g. like I’ve done in the link above, see this.

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